Monday 27 June 2011


Hello and welcome to .VEM=, the ramblings of a PC geek!

Its is my hope that this blog will become aid those of you wishing to increase your technical knowledge on all things computer based, from desktops, laptops and tablets, to smart phones, servers and even digital cameras!

First a small introduction. My name is Tom and I am a CompTIA+ Certified IT technician (MCTS) specialising in computer hardware. For me, ripping out an old desktops innards is as good as it gets, wires, pci-boards and RAM chips every where! I'll be doing my best to impart some of my gleamed knowledge to the masses but, I only know so much! So, if you have a scrap of knowledge, about anything techy at all, drop me a line at and we'll get you a post up quick sharp!

That's about all for today, the next post will be all full of techy wonderfulness for your geekish delight.

Logging off,